Hundreds of Missourians recently joined the Missouri Legislative Prayer Caucus co-chair, Senator Ed Emery and Karen Leydens and me, Missouri

In a time when division is rampant, last week legislators in New Mexico, put aside their differences and agreed on

“Secularism is not something that is benign and passive. It is active and it’s aggressive; and by its very nature

Churches are opening their pulpits to lawmakers who are bringing the PrayUSA message – Pray for our nation and stand

The Kentucky Legislative Prayer Caucus is taking bold action to advance prayer and religious freedom! Kentucky launched 2017 with another

They say, “Everything is BIG in Texas,” and this proved to be the case for a recent Call to Prayer

PrayUSA: Government Leaders Calling the Nation to Prayer, a powerful movement, is sweeping through Oklahoma, reviving hearts and bolstering the

As summer heats up, so is Harrisburg, Pennsylvania! Through an extraordinary, nationwide prayer initiative, PrayUSA: Government Leaders Calling The Nation

The PrayUSA Movement—a dynamic initiative spearheaded by over 1,000 government leaders to mobilize Christians to unite and pray unceasingly for

The Kentucky State Capitol came alive this week, and the atmosphere was buzzing with anticipation as over 50 legislators—along with