Just last Tuesday, Florida Representative Mike Hill, along with Attorney General Pam Bondi and 5 other legislators, addressed a room

As the PrayUSA initiative is exploding across the map, it makes its way to Circleville, Ohio! Pastor Tim Throckmorton of

Congressman Randy Forbes, the Founder of the Congressional Prayer Caucus joined Will Langford, Pastor of Great Bridge Baptist Church, in

We are very excited and grateful for the opportunity to advance the PrayUSA Initiative through a wonderful new partnership with

On Sunday morning, Executive Director, Lea Carawan, was present when Skyline Church in La Mesa, California led the way as

An extraordinary, nationwide prayer initiative spearheaded by members of Congress was launched on March 7, 2015 at the LIFFT America

National leaders formed the Congressional Prayer Caucus — an official caucus of the U.S. Congress — to formally acknowledge the

Leaders including Congressman J. Randy Forbes, Co-chair of the Congressional Prayer Caucus and Lea Carawan, President and Executive Director of