PrayUSA Launches from California to Virginia
June 17, 2015

On Sunday morning,  Skyline Church in La Mesa, California led the way as one of the first churches in the country to participate in the PrayUSA movement. Senior Pastor, Jim Garlow, played the three-minute PrayUSA video and La Cajon Mayor, Bill Wells, read the Proclamation aloud. This was followed by two local government leaders—State Senator Joel Anderson (38th District) and Santee Mayor Randy Voepel—who joined Mayor Wells in leading church members in a signing ceremony. What followed was significant and encouraging—inspired by the challenge to reclaim our nation, hundreds within the congregation added their names and their voices in an atmosphere of humble petition before God.

Almost simultaneously on the other side of the country, Greenbrier Church in Chesapeake, Virginia, was also holding a special PrayUSA Sunday. In their service, Pastor Eric Watt invited the congregation to come forward and sign the document after Chesapeake Mayor, Alan Krasnoff, read the Proclamation to those in attendance.

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