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Partial list of national, state and local Government Leaders who are leading the Call to Prayer for America.
U.S. Senator Steve Daines (MT)
U.S. Senator James Lankford (OK)
U.S. Congressman Rick Allen (GA)
U.S. Congressman Ben Cline (VA)
U.S. Congresswoman Barbara Jean Comstock (VA)
U.S. Congressman Mike Conaway (TX)
U.S. Congressman Tom DeLay (TX)
U.S. Congressman John Fleming (LA)
U.S. Congressman J. Randy Forbes (VA)
U.S. Congressman Jeff Fortenberry (NE)
U.S. Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (NC)
U.S. Congressman Scott Garrett (NJ)
U.S. Congressman Richard Hudson (NC)
U.S. Congressman Randy Hultgren (IL)
U.S. Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO)
U.S. Congressman Mike McIntyre (NC)
U.S. Congressman Randy Neugebauer (TX)
U.S. Congressman Ralph W. Norman (SC)
U.S. Congressman Steve Pearce (NM)
U.S. Congressman Robert Pittenger (NC)
U.S. Congressman Scott Rigell (VA)
U.S. Congressman Van Taylor (TX)
U.S. Congressman Tim Walberg (MI)
U.S. Congressman Allen West (TX)
U.S. Congressman Joe Wilson (SC)
U.S. Congressman Rob Wittman (VA)
Governor Matt Bevin (KY)
Governor Terry Branstad (IA)
Governor Sam Brownback (KS)
Governor Asa Hutchinson (AR)
Governor Bob McDonnell (VA)
Governor Henry McMaster (SC)
Governor Kim Reynolds (IA)
Lt. Governor Bill Bolling (VA)
Lt. Governor Jenean Hampton (KY)
Lt. Governor Peter Kinder (MO)
Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli II (VA)
Attorney General Ken Paxton (TX)
Attorney General Alan Wilson (SC)
Secretary of State Mark Hammond (SC)
Secretary of State Kris Kobach (KS)
Senator Steve E. Abrams (KS)
Senator Mark Allen (OK)
Senator Joel Anderson (CA)
Senator Don Barrington (OK)
Senator Nancy Barto (AZ)
Senator Molly Baumgardner (KS)
Senator Brian Bingman (OK)
Senator Brian Birdwell (TX)
Senator Tim Bivins (IL)
Senator Harry Blevins (VA)
Senator Larry Boggs (OK)
Senator Joe Bowen (KY)
Senator Elaine Bowers (KS)
Senator Josh Brecheen (OK)
Senator Jim Brewster (PA)
Senator Rick Brinkley (OK)
Senator Corey D. Brooks (OK)
Senator Bill Brown (OK)
Senator Dan Brown (MO)
Senator Nickey Browning (MS)
Senator Dave C. Burns (ME)
Senator Terry C. Burton (MS)
Senator Albert Butler (MS)
Senator Donna Campbell (TX)
Senator Paul G. Campbell, Jr. (SC)
Senator Videt Carmichael (MS)
Senator Tom Casperson (MI)
Senator Danny Carroll (KY)
Senator Lydia Chassaniol (MS)
Senator Alan Clark (AR)
Senator John Coghill (AK)
Senator Patrick Colbeck (MI)
Senator Nancy Adams Collins (MS)
Senator Ronald Collins (ME)
Senator Linda Collins-Smith (AR)
Senator Michael Connelly (IL)
Senator John Cooper (AR)
Senator Tom Corbin (SC)
Senator John Cosgrove (VA)
Senator Mark Costello (IA)
Senator Brian A. Crain (OK)
Senator Mike Cunningham (MO)
Senator Andre Cushing (ME)
Senator David Curtis (NC)
Senator Nathan Dahm (OK)
Senator Warren Daniel (NC)
Senator Jim Davis (NC)
Senator Kim David (OK)
Senator Tom Dempsey (MO)
Senator Bob Dixon (MO)
Senator Sally Doty (MS)
Senator Dan Duffy (IL)
Senator Fred Dyson (AK)
Senator C.B. Embry, Jr. (KY)
Senator Ed Emery (MO)
Senator Judy Emmons (MI)
Senator Robert Erbele (ND)
Senator Craig Estes (TX)
Senator Michael Fair (SC)
Senator Jennifer Fielder (MT)
Senator Eddie Fields (OK)
Senator Joey Fillingane (MS)
Senator Scott Flippo (AR)
Senator John Ford (OK)
Senator Jack Fry (OK)
Senator Phillip Gandy (MS)
Senator Earl Garrison (OK)
Senator Cathy Giessel (AK)
Senator Chris Girdler (KY)
Senator David Givens (KY)
Senator Tommy Gollott (MS)
Senator Stewart Greenleaf (PA)
Senator A.J. Griffin (OK)
Senator Larry Grooms (SC)
Senator Dennis Guth (IA)
Senator William Haine (IL)
Senator Steve Hale (MS)
Senator Bob Hall (TX)
Senator Jim Halligan (OK)
Senator James Hamper (ME)
Senator Ernie Harris (KY)
Senator Robert W. Hayes (SC)
Senator Bill Heath (GA)
Senator Daniel Hegeman (MO)
Senator J. Gregory Hembree (SC)
Senator Jimmy Higdon (KY)
Senator Judson Hill (GA)
Senator Ralph E. Hise, Jr. (NC)
Senator Jason Holsman (MO)
Senator David Holt (OK)
Senator R. Edward Houck (VA)
Senator Billy Hudson (MS)
Senator Bryan Hughes (TX)
Senator Scott Hutchinson (PA)
Senator Missy Irvin (AR)
Senator Gary Jackson (MS)
Senator Sampson Jackson (MS)
Senator Darcy Jech (OK)
Senator Russell Jolly (MS)
Senator Clark Jolley (OK)
Senator Blake Johnson (AR)
Senator David Johnson (IA)
Senator David Jordan (MS)
Senator Ron Justice (OK)
Senator Mike Kehoe (MO)
Senator Pete Kelly (AK)
Senator Dan Kerschen (KS)
Senator Bryan King (AR)
Senator Bill Kinter (NE)
Senator Dean Kirby (MS)
Senator Greg Kirk (GA)
Senator Stephanie Kunze (OH)
Senator Forrest Knox (KS)
Senator Will Kraus (MO)
Senator Kent Lambert (CO)
Senator Perry Lee (MS)
Senator Paul LeVota (MO)
Senator Doug Libla (MO)
Senator Kyle Loveless (OK)
Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. (TX)
Senator Kevin Lundberg (CO)
Senator Anna MacKinnon (AK)
Senator Vicki Marble (CO)
Senator Bryce Marlatt (OK)
Senator Larry A. Martin (SC)
Senator Stephen Martin (VA)
Senator Beth Martinez Humenik (CO)
Senator Chris Massey (MS)
Senator Ty Masterson (KS)
Senator Kevin Matthews (OK)
Senator Mike Mazzei (OK)
Senator Sam McCann (IL)
Senator Kyle McCarter (IL)
Senator Chris McDaniel (KY)
Senator Ryan McDougle (VA)
Senator Carolyn McGinn (KS)
Senator Michael McLachlan (CT)
Senator Gene McLaurin (NC)
Senator Haskins Montgomery (MS)
Senator Philip Moran (MS)
Senator Tom Morrison (IL)
Senator Brian Munzlinger (MO)
Senator Marie Chappelle- Nadal (MO)
Senator Jamilah Nasheed (MO)
Senator Jane Nelson (TX)
Senator Dan Newberry (OK)
Senator Timothy Neville (CO)
Senator Chris Nybo (IL)
Senator Jim Oberweis (IL)
Senator Donald Olson (AK)
Senator Rob Olson (KS)
Senator Robert Onder (MO)
Senator Ralph Ostmeyer (KS)
Senator Susan Paddack (OK)
Senator David Parker (MS)
Senator Rita Potts Parks (MS)
Senator Dennis Parrett (KY)
Senator Michael Parson (MO)
Senator David Pearce (MO)
Senator Charles Perry (TX)
Senator Larry Phillips (TX)
Senator Debra Plowman (ME)
Senator John Polk (MS)
Senator John Proos (MI)
Senator Dennis Pyle (KS)
Senator John Rafferty (PA)
Senator Jason Rapert (AR)
Senator Terry Rice (AR)
Senator Ronald Richard (MO)
Senator Bryant Richardson (DE)
Senator Jeanie Riddle (MO)
Senator Dale Righter (IL)
Senator Albert Robinson (KY)
Senator Gay Romine (MO)
Senator Frank Ruff, Jr. (VA)
Senator David J. Sander (AR)
Senator Norman Sanderson (NC)
Senator David Sater (MO)
Senator Rob Schaaf (MO)
Senator Kurt Schaefer (MO)
Senator Dave Schatz (MO)
Senator Mark Scheffel (CO)
Senator Wil Schickel (KY)
Senator Eric Schmitt (MO)
Senator Wil Schroder (KY)
Senator Jason Schultz (IA)
Senator Mike Schulz (OK)
Senator John L. Scott (SC)
Senator Rick Scott (FL)
Senator Mark Segebart (IA)
Senator Joe Seng (IA)
Senator Dan Seum (KY)
Senator Ron Sharp (OK)
Senator Wayne Shaw (OK)
Senator Katrina Frye Shealy (SC)
Senator Michael Shirkey (MI)
Senator Scott Sifton (MO)
Senator Ryan Silvey (MO)
Senator Frank Simpson (OK)
Senator Amy Sinclair (IA)
Senator Brandon Smith (KY)
Senator Greg Smith (KS)
Senator Roby Smith (IA)
Senator Tony Smith (MS)
Senator Jerry Sonnenberg (CO)
Senator John Sparks (OK)
Senator Rob Standridge (OK)
Senator Gary Stanislawski (OK)
Senator Rob Standridge (OK)
Senator Gary Stanislawski (OK)
Senator Robert Stivers, II (KY)
Senator Walter A. Stosch (VA)
Senator Gary Stubblefield (AR)
Senator Damon Thayer (KY)
Senator Michael Thibodeau (ME)
Senator Douglas Thomas (ME)
Senator Reginald Thomas (KY)
Senator Roger Thompson (OK)
Senator Sean Tindell (MS)
Senator Gray Tollison (MS)
Senator Greg Treat (OK)
Senator Angela Turner (MS)
Senator Ross Turner (SC)
Senator Caryn Tyson (KS)
Senator Wayne Wallingford (MO)
Senator Gina Walsh (MO)
Senator Jay Wasson (MO)
Senator Michael Watson (MS)
Senator Steven West (KY)
Senator Rodney Whittemore (ME)
Senator Paul Wieland (MO)
Senator Richard E. Wilborn (KS)
Senator J.P. Wilemon (MS)
Senator Eddi Joe Williams (AR)
Senator Max Wise (KY)
Senator Laura Woods (CO)
Senator Ervin Yen (OK)
Senator Tom Young Jr. (SC)
Senator Chuck Younger (MS)
Speaker of the House Kirk Cox (VA)
Speaker of the House Clifford Rosenberger (OH)
Speaker of the House Linda Upmeyer (IA)
Representative Janet Adkins (FL)
Representative Rocky Adkins (KY)
Representative Stephen Alford (KS)
Representative Merita Allison (SC)
Representative Ron Amstutz (OH)
Representative Charles “Doc” Anderson (TX)
Representative Steven Anthimides (KS)
Representative Don Armes (OK)
Representative Tracy Arnold (MS)
Representative Dean Arp (NC)
Representative Trent Ashby (TX)
Representative Todd K. Atwater (SC)
Representative Susan MW Austin (ME)
Representative Marilyn Avila (NC)
Representative Bernard Ayotte (ME)
Representative Rob Bacon (IA)
Representative Kurt Bahr (MO)
Representative Bob Ballinger (AR)
Representative Nathan Ballentine (SC)
Representative Gary Banz (OK)
Representative Brian Barbin (PA)
Representative John Barker (KS)
Representative Timothy Barr (GA)
Representative Tom Barrett (MI)
Representative Tony Barton (KS)
Representative Paul Battles (GA)
Representative Dennis Baxley (FL)
Representative Lynn Bechler (KY)
Representative Rick Beck (AR)
Representative Jim Beckett (MS)
Representative Eric M. Bedingfield (SC)
Representative Cecil Bell, Jr. (TX)
Representative Jonny Bell (KY)
Delegate Richard Bell (VA)
Delegate Robert Bell (VA)
Representative John Bennett (OK)
Representative Richard Bennett (MS)
Representative Kerry Benninghoff (PA)
Representative Mary Bentley (AR)
Representative Richard Billinger (KS)
Representative Lisa Billy (OK)
Representative John Bizon (MI)
Representative Sue Boldra (KS)
Representative Greg Bonnen (TX)
Representative C. Scott Bounds (MS)
Representative Jim Boyd (FL)
Representative Justin Boyd (AR)
Representative Randy Boyd (MS)
Representative John Bradford (KS)
Representative Chris Brown (MS)
Representative J. Paul Brown (CO)
Representative Mike Brown (OK)
Representative Doug Broxson (FL)
Representative David Brumbaugh (OK)
Representative Steve Brunk (KS)
Representative Jim Buchy (OH)
Representative Perry Buck (CO)
Representative Regina Bunch (KY)
Representative Cindy Burkett (TX)
Representative Tony Burkley (OH)
Representative DeWayne Burns (TX)
Representative Mike Burns (SC)
Representative Colleen Burton (FL)
Representative Charles Busby (MS)
Representative Larry Byrd (MS)
Representative Briscoe Cain (TX)
Representative Tom Caltagirone (PA)
Representative Wes Cantrell (GA)
Representative Giovanni Capriglione (TX)
Representative John Carney (KY)
Representative Blake Carpenter (KS)
Representative Will Carpenter (KS)
Representative Dennis Casey (OK)
Representative Joyce Chandler (GA)
Representative Bubba Carpenter (MS)
Representative Lee Chatfield (MI)
Representative Gary Chism (MS)
Representative Mike Christian (OK)
Representative Travis Clardy (TX)
Representative David Clark (GA)
Representative Heath Clark (GA)
Representative Tyler Clark (ME)
Representative Gary Clary (SC)
Delegate William Cleaveland (VA)
Representative Bobby Cleveland (OK)
Representative William Clyburn (SC)
Representative Josh Cockroft (OK)
Representative Tristan Cole (MI)
Representative Jeff Collins (NC)
Representative Neal A. Collins (SC)
Representative Donnie Condit (OK)
Representative Margaret Conditt (OH)
Representative Kathleen Conti (CO)
Representative Ann Coody (OK)
Representative Byron Cook (TX)
Representative Kevin Cooke (GA)
Representative Amarian Cooksey (OK)
Representative Donnie Copeland (AR)
Representative Fred Costello (FL)
Delegate John Cox (VA)
Representative Tim Couch (KY)
Representative Travis Couture-Lovelady (KS)
Representative Dale Crafts (ME)
Representative Scott Craig (SD)
Representative Heather Ammons Crawford (SC)
Representative Dean Cray (ME)
Representative Jarrod Crockett (ME)
Delegate Anne Crockett-Stark (VA)
Representative William Crosby (SC)
Representative Ron Crimm (KY)
Representative Becky Currie (MS)
Representative Philip Curtis (ME)
Representative John Cyrier (TX)
Representative Joseph Daning (SC)
Representative David Dank (OK)
Representative Dave Dawson (IA)
Representative Dennis DeBar (MS)
Representative Pete DeGraaf (KS)
Representative Scott DeLano (MS)
Representative Lee Denney (OK)
Representative Bill Denny (MS)
Representative David Derby (OK)
Representative Tim Derickson (OH)
Representative Dale DeWitt (OK)
Representative Jonathan Dever (OH)
Representative Jonathan Dismang (AR)
Representative Cecil Dolecheck (IA)
Representative Timothy Dore (CO)
Representative Joe Dorman (OK)
Representative Charlotte Douglas (AR)
Representative Willie Dove (KS)
Representative Emory Dunahoo (GA)
Representative Nancy Dunkel (IA)
Representative Jim DuPlessis (KY)
Representative Chris Dush (PA)
Representative Lane Eads (AR)
Representative Bo Eaton (MS)
Representative Jon Echols (OK)
Delegate James Edmunds II (VA)
Representative Terry England (GA)
Representative Hal English (PA)
Representative John Enns (OK)
Representative Nora Espinoza (NM)
Representative Eleanor Espling (ME)
Representative Bud Estes (KS)
Representative Jon Eubanks (AR)
Representative Casey Eure (MS)
Representative Justin Everett (CO)
Representative John Ewy (KS)
Representative Wayne Faircloth (TX)
Representative Pat Fallon (TX)
Representative Joe Farrer (AR)
Representative Bradlee Farrin (ME)
Representative David Faulkner (AL)
Representative Raye Felder (SC)
Representative Joseph Fischer (KY)
Representative Dan Fisher (OK)
Representative Dean Fisher (IA)
Representative Blaine Finch (KS)
Representative Lanny Fite (AR)
Representative Dan Flynn (TX)
Representative Mark Formby (MS)
Representative Michael Forrester (SC)
Representative William Fourkiller (OK)
Representative James Frank (TX)
Representative Joel Fry (IA)
Representative Randy Garber (KS)
Representative Ted Gassman (IA)
Representative Sherry Gay-Dagnogo (MI)
Representative Jeremy Gillam (AR)
Representative Mark Gillen (PA)
Representative Tim Ginter (OH)
Representative Phyllis A. Ginzler (ME)
Representative Mike Glanton (GA)
Representative Gary Glenn (MI)
Representative Larry Glenn (OK)
Representative Ramon Gonzalez, Jr. (KS)
Representative Jim Gooch, Jr. (KY)
Representative Randy Grau (OK)
Delegate Thomas “Tag” Greason (VA)
Representative Doug Green (OH)
Representative Cheryl Grossman (OH)
Representative Stacey Guerin (ME)
Representative Philip Gunn (MS)
Representative Christina Hagan (OH)
Representative David Hale (KY)
Representative David Hall (OH)
Representative Elise Hall (OK)
Representative Forrest Hamilton (MS)
Representative Kim Hammer (AR)
Representative Sheldon M. Hanington (ME)
Representative Jeffery Hanley (ME)
Representative Tommy Hardin (OK)
Representative Justin Harris (AR)
Representative Dan Hawkins (KS)
Representative Bill Hayes (OH)
Representative Frances M. Head (ME)
Representative Greg Heartsill (IA)
Representative Richard Heath (KY)
Representative Dennis Hedke (KS)
Representative Cole Hefner (TX)
Representative Broderick Henderson (KS)
Representative Ken Henderson (AR)
Representative Yvette Herrell (NM)
Representative Lloyd Skip Herrick (ME)
Representative Mary Hickerson (AR)
Representative Jeff Hickman (OK)
Representative Donna Hicks (SC)
Representative Ronald Highland (KS)
Representative Mike Hill (FL)
Representative Kyle Hoffman (KS)
Representative Mike Holcomb (AR)
Representative Corey Holland (OK)
Representative Joey Hood (MS)
Representative Tom Hooker (MI)
Representative Steve Horne (MS)
Representative Roderick Houston (KS)
Representative Cluster Howard (KY)
Representative Mac Huddleston (MS)
Representative Steve Huebert (KS)
Representative Chip Huggins (SC)
Representative Holly Hughes (MI)
Delegate Timothy Hugo (VA)
Representative Steve Humphrey (CO)
Representative Pat Hurley (NC)
Representative Daniel Huseman (IA)
Representative Becky Hutchins (KS)
Delegate Riley Ingram (VA)
Representative Jason Isaac (TX)
Representative Mack Jackson (GA)
Representative Mike Jackson (OK)
Representative Lee James (PA)
Representative Lane Jean (AR)
Representative Nancy Jenkins (MI)
Representative Wanda Jennings (MS)
Representative Joe Jett (AR)
Representative Bob Johnson (AR)
Representative Dennis Johnson (OK)
Representative Jeffrey E. Johnson (SC)
Representative Joel Johnson (MI)
Delegate Joseph Johnson (VA)
Representative Terry Johnson (OH)
Representative Bert Jones (NC)
Representative Kevin Jones (KS)
Representative Fred Jordan (OK)
Representative John Paul Jordan (OK)
Representative Janak Joshi (CO)
Representative Mark Kahrs (KS)
Representative Chris Kannady (OK)
Representative Sid Kavulich (PA)
Representative Wes Keller (AK)
Representative Daniel Kelley (IA)
Representative Kasha Kelley (KS)
Representative Trey Kelley (GA)
Representative Mark Keough (TX)
Representative Sally Kern (OK)
Representative Thomas Kerr (KY)
Representative Charles Key (OK)
Delegate Terry Kilgore (VA)
Representative Kim King (KY)
Representative Martha Jane King (KY)
Representative Phil King (TX)
Representative Bill Kinkade (MS)
Representative Mary Anne Kinney (ME)
Representative Thaddeus Kirkland (PA)
Representative Gordon Klingenschmitt (CO)
Delegate Barry Knight (VA)
Representative Kyle Koehler (OH)
Representative Kevin Koester (IA)
Representative Robert Kosowski (MI)
Representative Steve Kouplen (OK)
Representative Matt Krause (TX)
Representative Ken Kurtz (MI)
Representative Jack Ladyman (AR)
Representative Trey Lamar (MS)
Representative Stan Lambert (TX)
Representative Timmy Lander (MS)
Delegate R. Steven Landes (VA)
Representative John Landon (IA)
Representative Mike Lang (TX)
Representative Dominic LaRiccia (GA)
Representative Sarah LaTourette (OH)
Representative Isaac Latterell (SD)
Representative Jodie Laubenberg (TX)
Representative Bill LaVoy (MI)
Representative John Lawrence (PA)
Representative Jeff Leach (TX)
Representative Stan Lee (KY)
Representative Tim Lemons (AR)
Representative Mark Lepak (OK)
Representative Rick Little (NM)
Representative James Lockhart (OK)
Representative Ricky Long (ME)
Representative Mark Lowery (AR)
Representative Vanessa Lowery-Brown (PA)
Representative Paul Lundeen (CO)
Representative Peter A. Lyford (ME)
Representative Bob Lynn (AK)
Representative Charles Macheers (KS)
Representative Joyce Maker (ME)
Representative David Maloney (PA)
Delegate Bob Marshall (VA)
Delegate Dan Marshall, III (VA)
Representative Scott Martin (OK)
Representative Rita Martinson (MS)
Representative Les Mason (KS)
Delegate James Massie, III (VA)
Representative Peggy Mast (KS)
Representative Margie Matthews (SC)
Representative David Maxwell (IA)
Representative Julie Mayberry (AR)
Representative Donna Mayfield (KY)
Representative Ed McBroom (MI)
Representative Charles McCall (OK)
Representative Jeff McClain (OH)
Representative Michael D. McClellan (ME)
Representative Joanna McClinton (PA)
Representative Mark McCullough (OK)
Representative Jeannie McDaniel (OK)
Representative Randy McDaniel (OK)
Representative Skye McDaniel (OK)
Representative Ron McNair (AR)
Representative Jerry McPeak (OK)
Representative David Meade (KY)
Representative David Meeks (AR)
Representative Stephan Meeks (AR)
Representative Steve Mentzer (PA)
Delegate Donald Merricks (VA)
Representative Will Metcalf (TX)
Representative Nolan Mettetal (MS)
Representative Tommy Mewwell (OK)
Representative Suzanne Miles (KY)
Representative Tom Miles (MS)
Representative Aaron Miller (MI)
Representative Brett Miller (PA)
Representative Jerry Miller (KY)
Representative Josh Miller (AR)
Representative Rick Miller (TX)
Representative Duane Milne (PA)
Representative Bobby Moak (MS)
Representative Annie Mobley (NC)
Representative Phil Moffett (KY)
Representative Alex Monsour (MS)
Representative Brad Montell (KY)
Representative John Moore (MS)
Representative Lewis Moore (OK)
Representative Tim Moore (NC)
Representative Tim Moore (KY)
Representative Danny Morgan (OK)
Delegate Harvey Morgan (VA)
Representative Ken Morgan (MS)
Representative Dennis C. Moss (SC)
Representative V. Stephen Moss (SC)
Representative Glen Mulready (OK)
Representative Cathy Munoz (AK)
Representative Jason Murphey (OK)
Representative Pat Nelson (MS)
Representative Jadine Nollan (OK)
Representative Beth O’Connor (ME)
Delegate G.Glenn Oder (VA)
Representative Leslie Osborn (OK)
Representative Leslie Osterman (KS)
Representative Pat Ownbey (OK)
Representative Donna Oberlander (PA)
Representative Dave Parker (PA)
Representative Tan Parker (TX)
Representative Randall Patterson (MS)
Representative Dennis Paul (TX)
Representative John Payton (AR)
Representative Virgil Peck, Jr. (KS)
Representative Dorothy Pelanda (OH)
Representative Ron Peters (OK)
Representative Pam Peterson (OK)
Representative Dawn Pettengill (IA)
Representative Dade Phelan (TX)
Representative Kristin Phillips-Hill (PA)
Representative Richard A. Pickett (ME)
Representative Bill Pigott (MS)
Representative Anastacia Pittman (OK)
Representative Scott Plakon (FL)
Delegate Brenda Pogge (VA)
Representative Thomas “T.E.” Pope (SC)
Representative Phil Potvin (MI)
Representative Matt Pouliot (AR)
Representative Brent Powell (MS)
Representative Randy Powell (KS)
Representative G.L. Pridgen (NC)
Representative Brian Prince (GA)
Representative Kevin Priola (CO)
Representative R.C. Pruett (OK)
Representative Rich Proehl (KS)
Representative Lance Pruitt (AK)
Delegate Phillip Puckett (VA)
Representative Cindy Pugh (MN)
Representative Marty Quinn (OK)
Representative Marie Radar (KY)
Representative Brad Raffensperger (GA)
Representative John Raney (TX)
Representative Kim Ransom (CO)
Representative Kathy Rapp (PA)
Representative Marty Read (KS)
Representative Harry Readshaw (PA)
Representative Roger Reed (ME)
Representative Mike Reese (PA)
Representative Lora Reinbold (AK)
Representative Bruce Rendon (MI)
Representative Brian Renegar (OK)
Representative Mike Reynolds (OK)
Representative Tommy Reynolds (MS)
Representative Marc Rhoades (KS)
Representative Tom Rice (GA)
Representative Matt Rinaldi (TX)
Representative Tom Riner (KY)
Representative Samuel Rivers Jr. (SC)
Representative Mike Ritze (OK)Representative Kevin Roberts (TX)
Delegate Roxanne Robinson (VA)
Representative Margaret Rogers (MS)
Representative Michael Rogers (OK)
Representative Ray Rogers (MS)
Representative Walt Rogers (IA)
Representative Ken Roberson (FL)
Representative Dustin Roberts (OK)
Representative Sean Roberts (OK)
Representative Ray Rodrigues (FL)
Representative Brad Rowland (KY)
Representative Margaret Ann Ruhl (OH)
Representative Laurie Rushing (AR)
Representative Todd Russ (OK)
Representative Scott K. Ryan (OH)
Representative Ron Ryckman, Sr. (KS)
Representative Ron Ryckman, Jr. (KS)
Representative Michael Ryhal (SC)
Representative Rick Saccone (PA)
Representative Lori Saine (CO)
Representative Sandy Salmon (IA)
Representative Ako Abdul-Samad (IA)
Representative Mike Sanders (OK)
Representative Thomas Sands (IA)
Representative Scott Sanford (TX)
Representative Sal Santoro (KY)
Representative Stanley Saylor (PA)
Representative Joseph Scapa (KS)
Representative Matt Schaefer (TX)
Representative Tim Schaffer (OH)
Representative Dean Schamore (KY)
Representative Gary Scherer (OH)
Representative Don Schroeder (KS)
Representative Leighton Schubert (TX)
Representative Colby Schwartz (OK)
Delegate Edward Scott (VA)
Representative Seneca Scott (OK)
Representative Earl Sears (OK)
Representative H. Stedman Seavey (ME)
Representative Matt Shaheen (TX)
Representative T.W. Shannon (OK)
Representative Phil Shepard (NC)
Representative Ben Sherrer (OK)
Representative William Shirley (MS)
Representative Ron Simmons (MO)
Representative Marilyn Slaby (OH)
Representative Brandt Smith (AR)
Representative Jeff Smith (MS)
Representative Ryan Smith (OH)
Representative Pam Snyder (PA)
Representative Kris Steele (OK)
Representative Phil Stephenson (TX)
Representative Joel R. Stetkis (ME)
Representative Paul Stam (NC)
Representative Kris Steele (OK)
Representative Jody Steverson (MS)
Representative Cyndi Stevenson (FL)
Representative Jonathan Stickland (TX)
Representative Aaron Stiles (OK)
Delegate Christopher Stolle (VA)
Representative Charlie Stone (FL)
Representative Chuck Strohm (OK)
Representative Lynn Stucky (TX)
Representative Greg Stumbo (KY)
Representative Dan Sullivan (AR)
Representative Jennifer Sullivan (FL)
Representative Libby Szabo (CO)
Representative Will Tallman (PA)
Representative Edward R. Tallon Sr. (SC)
Representative Steve Tarvin (GA)
Representative Sam Teasley (GA)
Representative Randy Terrill (OK)
Representative Anne J. Thayer (SC)
Representative Phyllis Thede (IA)
Representative Jack Thimesch (KS)
Representative Ed Thompson (TX)
Representative Jeff Thompson (ID)
Representative Todd Thomsen (OK)
Representative Sue Tibbs (OK)
Representative Cathy Tilton (AK)
Representative Jeffrey Timberlake (ME)
Representative James Tipton (KY)
Delegate Luke Torian (VA)
Representative Will Tuell (ME)
Representative Beth Turner (ME)
Representative Steven Vaughan (OK)
Representative Deann Vaught (AR)
Representative Ken Walker (OK)
Representative Purcy Walker (OK)
Representative Raymond Wallace (ME)
Representative Weldon Watson (OK)
Representative Tom Weathersby (MS)
Representative Don Wells (SC)
Representative Parker Wentling (PA)
Representative Paul Wesselhoft (OK)
Representative Wes Wetherford (OH)
Representative Jason White (MS)
Representative John Whitmer (KS)
Representative R. Shannon Wiliey (SC)
Representative Kristy Williams (KS)
Representative Bruce Williamson (GA)
Representative James Wilson (CO)
Representative Tammie Wilson (AK)
Delegate Tony Wilt (VA)
Representative JoAnn Windhoz (CO)
Representative Richard Womack (AR)
Representative John Wray (TX)
Representative Addia Wuchner (KY)
Representative Kevin Van Winkle (CO)
Delegate Thomas Wright (VA)
Representative Karen Vachon (ME)
Representative Charles Van Zant (FL)
Representative Gary VanDeaver (TX)
Representative Liz Vasquez (AK)
Representative Hank Vaupel (MI)
Representative Jene Vickrey (KS)
Representative John Yates (GA)
Representative Ken Yonker (MI)
Representative Ron Young (OH)
Representative Richard L. Yow (SC)
Representative John Zerwas (TX)
Representative Dave Zimmerman (PA)
Mayor Julie Ferguson (OK)
Mayor James King (Cisco, TX)
Mayor Alan Krasnoff (VA)
Mayor Cathy Schlicht (Mission Viejo, CA)
Mayor Randy Voepel (Santee, CA)
Mayor Bill Wells (El Cajon, CA)
State Treasurer Allison Ball (KY)
Commissioner of Labor Cherie Berry (NC)
Kim Couture, Selectman Sidney (ME)
Insurance Commissioner Wayne Goodwin (NC)
State Auditor Mike Harmon (KY)
City Councilwoman Timmerle Kelly (Van Alstyne, TX)
City Council Woman Mary Lettau (WA)
County Clerk Commissioner David Madore (WA)
County Supervisor Mark Marshall (CA)
Councilman Lorenzo Martin (AL)
City Administrator Jason Myers (Parsons, WV)
County Clerk Keith Riddle (Catron, NM)
Election Supervisor Ted Roberts (LA)
Tim Russell, Selectman Sidney (ME)
County Assessor Marsha Weyand (Kittitas, WA)
State Auditor Beth Wood (NC)